Chemo 5.2

Well here we are 10 rounds of chemo under the belt.  Who would of thought a year ago I would be talking about cancer and chemo, definitely not me.  Well we are down to 2 more but it will be at least another month before I can say I am done.  With low blood counts I continue to have a 2 week breaks.  

Well this has been a bit of an emotional round, I’ll let you in on a bit of my feelings/ emotions.

Boys Last Day of School
Well all I can say is thank God for my parents.  In 12 years I have never missed the last day of school, but this year I had no choice.  My oncologist and I tried to figure out a way to make treatment work and still make it to the boys school but with treatment taking 5.5 hours I had to start no later than 10:30 since they have a shorter day on Fridays.  
So I took treatment (by myself, this was a first) and my parents went to both schools in my absences.  All I can say is I have the best Oncology Nurses, they kept me entertained and made sure I was good the whole time. 
My parents were able to go to Coi’s school and see him get an award and meet his classmates, Maddox didn’t go to school (not my decision, he was with his dad) but he got a honors award in Social Studies and Bodie got a honor roll award.  Super proud of all of them but it’s bitter sweet, it was Bodie’s last day in middle school, yes I have I high schooler now.  I don’t think that has sunk in yet.  
My parents totally Rock! The recorded everything, even though I wasn’t able to be there live I was able to watch it on video. 
Maddox - Finally saw him play baseball
Call me selfish or blind, but I really thought I was doing a good job hiding my cancer and treatments from my kids.  I have tried to make things normal for the boys and trying to find the strength to keep things normal but I was wrong, my kids have been affected.
I was finally able to make it to one of Maddox’s baseball games.  I haven’t been able to see him play all season and the opportunity finally came.  Don’t get me wrong, I do watch him on Game Changer but it’s not the same as watching him play live.
When Maddox found out that I was taking him to his games he was really excited and little did he know I was just as excited if not more.  Well game one happened and the boys just didn’t seem like they were into it and they took a L.  I was totally fine with it because if you know baseball you’re either on  or you’re  not.  But I was there and that’s all that mattered.  Well the coach talked to the boys after the game and then Maddox had his hand up to speak.  Well if you know Maddox he is a trash talker so I thought he was going to trash talk his team but no he did this .... “ he started with how he was disappointed in his team and how they went out there and acted like they didn’t care.  He continued with as you all know my mom has cancer and hasn’t been able to make it to any of our games because she can’t get sick or she has treatment but this weekend she was finally able to come and watch us play and you guys went out there and acted like you didn’t care if we win or lose. He then said I went out there to win for my mom, you guys have no idea how much it sucks to watch my mom go through treatment and be sick every other week and not be able to leave the couch or sleep all day because she is sick, she is finally here and we played light trash. He begged his team to win the next game for his mom.” With tears in my kids eyes his teammates placed their hands on his shoulder and told him we got this and it will be ok.
As a mom my heart was so full of hurt and love, my “Tink” made me so proud but at the same time I saw how cancer was affecting my kid.  It never dawned on me that my son looks into the stands looking for his mom and this whole season that person had been missing because I can’t get “sick”, hell I was already sick just never knew it.
Oh and they did win game 2! Yes, bragging moment.
Side Affects
Well you would think after 10 rounds of chemo my body would get use to it. Nope! This possibly is the worst week of side affect ever.
  • Swelling - this go around I had major swelling in my hands and legs, so much swelling that the scale said I gained 4 pounds in a week.  My Dr. gave me a pill that brought the swelling down, I could finally feel my fingers.
  • Nausea - I have never been so nauseous other than being pregnant.  It lasted about a week which is a long time, normally it’s only about a day or two.
  • Blood Clot -  I had some major pain in my left leg to the point I couldn’t put pressure on it. So I called the Dr. and the sent me in for an ultra sound to make sure I didn’t have a blood clot, came back negative thank goodness but still doesn’t explain why I have the pain.
  • Kidneys - with all the reactions, they are testing my kidney function to see if the swelling and pains are coming from my kidneys. Still haven’t heard anything they did say that test would take a few days. 
But I just want to say once again thank you for all your support! You guys have gotten me through some tough days.