Chemo 4.1

Well we finally started the second half!🎉 I had to skip the week of Easter because my white counts were to low.  Talking about a bummed out person, but on the bright side I was able to gohomeandmeet my niece. Y’all she is so amazing!  Hell, all my nieces and nephews are amazing, along with my kids (all 5 of them).  I do believe visiting family is just what the dr orderedandit wastotally worth it.  
Picture: yes that’s my brother, we hear we look alike so he wanted to prove it. Lol, But he needs to remember I am still his big sister, by 5 years.

Well what can I say. It has kicked my a**.  This week has truly been the hardest round so far.  I have gone from being sick, to dehydrated, pain and just flat out feel like crap.  I have never felt so tired, my nurses say listen to your body and I finally gave in and went to bed without dinner because I just couldn’t stay awake any longer.  I have been feeling a lot of pain in my port which isn’t helping any so hopefully I will know soon what is going on there.  
Drinking, yes water is key but when it taste like metal it’s awful.  I have tried everything and for the days that followed chemo I could only get tea down. Joshua was kind enough to find a recipe with fruit and veggies that you add to water that I can now swallow, I feel the swelling finally going down and the chemo is finally getting out of my system! 👏🏼

So I went to my OBGYN and inquired about my period going away.  Well it could be one of two things. And NO - that doesn’t mean a baby.  I am either experiencing early menopause or the chemo is just stopping it and it may come back during the treatment.  If it is early menopause I will have to take medicine to help control my hormones (poor Joshua). My OB believes we will know something 2 months after I am done with chemo.