Chemo 3.2 - Half Way Point

So here we are, HALF way done. Man that sounds nice.  Well, treatment is going smoothly, not many issues. I’m still very tired after, still have the allergic reactions during treatment and having to take Benadryl to help relieve the itch.  I did experience something new this round which was a killer stomach ache, one that I can’t describe.  It wasn’t gas pains, it wasn’t cramps, it was just kick your butt I want you to hurt pains. The only thing that helped was Tums and sleep.  
Chemo really sucks because it affects everything and my taste buds have been affected the worse, everything I once loved is gross, my favorite Diet Pepsi - gross, water and lemon - gross, I seriously can’t wait to find that one drink that taste good during this process.  
I sometimes get cocky and think I got this because I don’t have the reactions during the weekend.  Well, low and behold come the week after and my tongue swells again, yes Benadryl made it go down, I got very light headed 2x and just had to bring my body temp back down and slow down for a few minutes, and the nausea ugh..  never really had to deal with that before but this go around it came on strong.

Body Changes 
Well here is a little TMI:
Chemo affects everything, not only do you lose your hair, and when I say lose your hair I have lost all my hair on my legs, armpits and my private region (great for bikini season lol) my arms are spotty with a little hair here and there.  My hair on my head has tried to grow back in but it’s in patchy, so I’ll keep it shaving it with the hopes it will make its mind up if it wants to all grow back or fall out, right now I would say it could all fall out. One less thing to worry about.  My eyelashes have started to fall out al no with my nose hair, now that is weird.  So if I ever ask for some help with fake eyelashes please help, I have no idea how those things work and I couldn’t imagine talking to someone without eyelashes. 

Food and drink are gross, nothing taste good anymore but lemonade and cinnamon (weird combo)

Feel super fat - yes remember gaining weight was an issue at first, not know - the steroids have made me feeling like I have gained 100 pounds.  Only promising thing is I now fit in my work pants, I am back to being a size 6.

The steroids - did you know that you could get thrush as an adult?!? Yes, my dr informed me that I need to watch out for thrush.  So, you know if it is a possibility I will almost 100% get it.

My tongue - omg, I have never had my tongue hurt so bad. Not sure what is going on but it almost feels like my taste buds are popping or it just burns.  One reaction I could live without.

Y’all I seriously can’t say enough thank you for all the prayers, love and support.  It means the world to me and my family.  I have been lifted up many times when I feel my world is crashing.   I hear that I am so positive and I try my best to keep it that way, can’t change what I’m going through, I can only find a positive and move forward from there.

I did have the pleasure of having my mom and aunt at treatment with me and y’all if you ever need a good laugh get those 2 together and they will keep your spirits up.  They helped my kids and I out a lot by getting up early and getting them to their baseball games.  If anyone ever wants to know how they can help, be a chauffeur to my kids during baseball season. That would be the biggest help of all, since they normally are playing at 3 different fields across the state of GA.  That is truly the hardest thing about all this, is not being that active mom cheering along on the sidelines.  It breaks my heart because they call and tell me about all the great plays and I get to watch a digital app and I try to picture the plays in my head. Even though I can’t be there, I’m still cheering them on in my head, chanting 3 up 3 down.