Chemo 3.1

So here we are, almost half way there! I was given the clear to have chemo today.  The dr said my counts were good and I might be that patient that may need to do 3 treatments and then abreak. All I know is I want to be done!
So here are some updates: 
  • Saw my scan, I saw my first scan and wow I was glowing.  All my Lymphoma was definitely in my upper body but now when you look nothing is glowing.  Yes, I needed the visual to believe treatment is working.
  • Side affects: well I am talked about even when I’m not in the presence of my Dr. or nurses which made me feel special.  They are still trying to figure out why I am having so many side affects to treatment. They have changed my nausea medicine, they think the old one was causing some of my side affects. ( they were wrong, still had all the side affects. Should buy stock in Benadryl)
  • No Benadryl through my port this go around which was nice.  I was able to leave with somewhat of a clear head.  I did have to take my Benadryl because I started to itch again, but mine isn’t nearly as strong as theirs and it did its job. So going forward (fingers crossed) I will only have to take my Benadryl, they did ask me to find the liquid kind so it will react faster.  Mission accomplished!
This go around my recovery time seemed a bit faster.  I slept, I was functional for the most part, still had Chemo Brain, I was extremely moody ( sorry Joshua) but all and all I was able to function like normal Tuesday which was nice.  I am experiencing major back pain or spasms, talking knock you on your knees type pain and for the first time nausea.  The nausea has hit me pretty hard, I feel like if I could just throw up my misery would be over... haha that’s a joke... 
Oh the metal! Man, can I tell you that I don’t wish this on my worst enemy.  I got the metal taste during treatment and thought nothing of it but it was causing me to feel super nauseous, come to find out it didn’t leave after I was done with the ice, it only intensified.  I tried everyone’s suggestions except order the mouth wash. Promise I will have it ordered before next Friday.  I’m still afraid to try plain water and drink out of my Yetti cup but baby steps.. I will have a cup of water soon, yes Mom I’m staying hydrated, just drinking tea or water with the powder mixes. 🙊

This weeks picture
I have to give a shot out to my in- laws, they sent me this sweet picture the mornings of treatment.  I love all the inspiring messages I get on that day.  It makes this journey do able..  love that they created a shirt with a baseball theme, it totally goes with the wrist band that our friends gave the boys💜.